Estimate to the nearest integer.

Square root of -55


sqrt(55)=7.5 approx.

To get a better estimate,
calculate (mentallY)


The square root of a negative number is not a real number. Therefore, the square root of -55 is undefined.

To estimate the square root of a negative number, we need to find its imaginary square root. The square root of a negative number "a" can be written as √(-a) = √(a) * i, where "i" is the imaginary unit.

In this case, we need to find the square root of -55. So, we have √(-55) = √(55) * i.

Now, let's estimate the value of the square root of 55 (√(55)). We know that 7 squared is 49, and 8 squared is 64. So, √(55) is somewhere between 7 and 8.

Therefore, the estimated value of the square root of -55 (√(-55)) to the nearest integer is between 7 and 8, but with an "i" factor.