I need to write a 100 page essay about what would happen if the sun explodes using the 5 sentence paterns please help


Scroll down and click on the link for sentence patterns. See if this helps.

(I didn't know there was a magic number of 5 for sentence patterns!!)

it did not help at all

What kind of help do you want?

Certainly! Writing a 100-page essay can be a daunting task, but using the five-sentence patterns can help you organize your thoughts and make the writing process more manageable. Here's a breakdown of how you can utilize these sentence patterns to write your essay about what would happen if the sun explodes:

1. Pattern: Statement
Begin each paragraph with a topic sentence that makes a clear statement about what you will discuss in that paragraph. For example, "If the sun were to explode, it would have catastrophic consequences for Earth and its inhabitants."

2. Pattern: Explanation
Provide evidence or reasons to support your statement. In this case, you can discuss the scientific theories and understanding of stars, how they explode, and specifically what might happen if the sun explodes. Include details about the potential impacts on the solar system, climate, and life on Earth.

3. Pattern: Example
Illustrate your explanation with specific examples and scenarios. Describe the potential chain of events that would occur if the sun were to explode, such as the immediate burst of intense energy, the destruction of Earth's atmosphere, and the resulting loss of life and resources.

4. Pattern: Quotation
Enhance your essay by incorporating quotes from experts or scientific sources. Consult research papers, articles, or books that discuss the topic and select relevant quotes to reinforce your arguments. Cite the sources properly to give credibility to your information.

5. Pattern: Conclusion
End each paragraph with a concluding sentence that summarizes your main points and transitions smoothly to the next paragraph. For example, "In conclusion, if the sun were to explode, the consequences would be catastrophic and irreversible."

By using these five-sentence patterns, you can maintain a clear structure and provide a well-organized essay on the topic of what would happen if the sun explodes. Remember to conduct thorough research to support your points and use proper citations throughout your essay. Good luck with your writing!