provide 2 institution\community organization that are involve in supporting or giving redress to these disasters .Explain how these organization are involve in providing a safe and healthy environment.suggestion find out about NGO's or other organization in your community or city.

It is Life Orientation n0t science..find out about the NGO

organizations that are involved in supporting infrastructure

Two institutions/community organizations that are involved in supporting and providing redress to disasters are the Red Cross and the United Nations Development Programme (UNDP). These organizations actively work to provide a safe and healthy environment in various ways.

1. Red Cross: The Red Cross is an international humanitarian organization that responds to disasters and emergencies worldwide. They support the affected communities by providing immediate relief, such as shelter, food, water, and medical assistance. They also focus on long-term rehabilitation and reconstruction efforts, helping communities recover and build resilience after a disaster.

In terms of providing a safe and healthy environment, the Red Cross:

- Offers disaster preparedness programs and trainings to communities, empowering them with the knowledge and skills needed to mitigate risks and respond effectively during disasters.

- Conducts health campaigns, including hygiene promotion, vaccination drives, and disease prevention initiatives, to ensure the well-being and safety of affected populations.

- Works with local authorities, governments, and other stakeholders to develop and implement early warning systems, evacuation plans, and risk reduction strategies that enhance the safety and resilience of communities.

2. United Nations Development Programme (UNDP): The UNDP supports countries worldwide in achieving sustainable development goals and building resilience against disasters. They focus on strengthening institutions, promoting inclusive governance, and improving disaster risk reduction and recovery capacities.

In terms of providing a safe and healthy environment, the UNDP:

- Assists governments and local communities in developing and implementing disaster risk reduction strategies, policies, and frameworks. This includes identifying hazards, assessing risks, and implementing measures to minimize vulnerabilities.

- Promotes sustainable development practices that prioritize environmental conservation and protection, ensuring the long-term well-being and safety of communities in the face of climate change and other environmental challenges.

- Supports the establishment of early warning systems, emergency response mechanisms, and recovery plans that facilitate quick and efficient responses to disasters, minimizing their impact on communities and restoring normalcy.

These organizations play crucial roles in disaster response, recovery, and risk reduction. Through their efforts, they contribute to creating safer and healthier environments for individuals and communities affected by disasters. It is important to research and identify similar NGOs or organizations in your own community or city that work towards similar objectives and collaborate with them for a safer and healthier environment.