if the exchange rate between venezuelan and american currencies is 2144.6 bolivars per u.s dollar, about how many u.s dollar can you get for 500 bolivars

i think the answer is $4.28

Your answer doesn't make any sense.

500 bolivars is less than 1/4 of the bolivars you can get for 1 dollar.

Please try again.

You can use a proportion.

2144.6/1 = 500/d

Cross multiply and solve for d

no its 4.29

2144.6d = 500

d = 500/2144.6
d = $0.23

To find out how many U.S. dollars you can get for 500 bolivars, you need to divide 500 by the exchange rate of 2144.6 bolivars per U.S. dollar.

The calculation would be:

500 bolivars / 2144.6 bolivars per U.S. dollar

To get the answer, divide 500 by 2144.6:

500 / 2144.6 ≈ 0.233

So, you would get approximately 0.233 U.S. dollars for 500 bolivars.

Therefore, your initial assumption that the answer is $4.28 is incorrect. The correct answer is approximately $0.233.