In what ways can we say that quantum physics both is and is not classical science?

Quantum physics and classical physics are distinct branches of science, but they both provide explanations about the behavior of the physical world. Here are a few ways in which we can understand how quantum physics can be viewed as both classical and non-classical:

1. Mathematical Formalism: Quantum physics and classical physics use different mathematical formalisms to describe phenomena. Classical physics relies on deterministic equations, such as Newton's laws of motion, which can precisely predict the behavior of objects in a given system. On the other hand, quantum physics uses probabilistic equations, such as wave functions and state vectors, which describe the probabilities of different outcomes rather than definite predictions.

2. Particle-Wave Duality: In classical physics, particles are considered distinct entities that can be precisely located in space and time. However, in quantum physics, particles exhibit both particle-like and wave-like behavior. This duality means that quantum entities, such as electrons or photons, can behave as discrete particles or as waves with properties like interference and diffraction. This duality blurs the line between classical and quantum behavior.

3. Superposition and Entanglement: Quantum physics allows for phenomena like superposition and entanglement. Superposition is the idea that quantum systems can exist in multiple states at the same time, in contrast to classical systems, which exist in a definite state. Entanglement refers to the strong correlation between the properties of two or more quantum particles, even if they are physically separated. These phenomena have no classical analog and highlight the non-classical nature of quantum physics.

4. Uncertainty Principle: The uncertainty principle, famously formulated by Werner Heisenberg, states that there is a fundamental limit to how precisely we can simultaneously know certain pairs of physical properties of a particle, such as its position and momentum. This principle emphasizes the intrinsic randomness and indeterminism of quantum systems, which is absent in classical physics.

To summarize, while quantum physics shares some similarities with classical physics, such as the use of mathematical models to describe physical phenomena, it also exhibits distinct features like wave-particle duality, superposition, entanglement, and the uncertainty principle, which make it uniquely non-classical.