45x divided by 6t x 11x

I have tried to work this out, however, do not understand it at all. The book gives an answer of (55x squared)t.

Can anyone explain this to me? Thank you

(45x/6t )11x does not yield the books answer.

would you be able to explain how this is worked out?

I am working out of Mathematics Made Simple. I find it very hard to learn from, however, is the only book I have.

if it is as I wrote it, then

(45x/6t)11x= 45*11*x^2/6t

= 15*11*x^2/2t= 165x^2/2t

it isn't in brackets. 45 ÷ 6t x 11x

Thank you so much for your help.

Of course! To solve this expression, you need to understand the concept of multiplying and dividing variables. Let's break it down step by step.

The expression you provided is: 45x ÷ 6t × 11x.

Step 1: Divide 45x by 6t.
To divide, we need to divide the numerical coefficients (45 ÷ 6) and the variables (x ÷ t).

45 ÷ 6 = 7.5

Now we divide the variables:
x ÷ t = x/t

So, the result of the division is 7.5(x/t).

Step 2: Multiply the result from step 1 by 11x.
To multiply, we multiply the numerical coefficients (7.5 × 11) and the variables (x × x).

7.5 × 11 = 82.5

Now, multiply the variables:
x × x = x^2 (x squared)

So, the result of the multiplication is 82.5x^2.

Finally, bringing it all together, we have (45x ÷ 6t) × 11x = 82.5x^2.

It seems like the answer given in the book is a simplified version of the expression, where 82.5 is rounded to 55 and x^2x is written as (x squared).