name a multiplication fact that can help you with 8x4, and tell how

Why would you need help with 8x4?

Memorizing the times tables is the easiest way of remembering basic multiplication facts.

The multiplication fact that can help you with 8x4 is 2x4=8.

To understand how this fact can be helpful, let's break it down:

1) 8x4 means multiplying the number 8 by the number 4.
2) Now, if you know that 2x4 equals 8, you can realize that 8x4 can be thought of as doubling the product of 2x4.
3) So, you can double the 2x4 product of 8 to get the answer for 8x4. Therefore, 8x4 equals 16.

By knowing the fact that 2x4 equals 8, you can quickly find the solution to 8x4 without having to perform the full multiplication each time. This helps simplify calculations and allows you to find answers more efficiently.