An indoor track is shaped like a rectangle with a semi-circle on each end. The distance around the track is 200 yards. Find the maximum area enclosed by the track.

To find the maximum area enclosed by the track, we need to determine the dimensions that will result in the largest possible area.

Let's assume the width of the rectangle portion of the track is "w" yards, and the length of the rectangle portion is "L" yards.

The total distance around the track, excluding the semi-circles, is equal to the perimeter of the rectangle, which is 2w + 2L yards.

Given that the total distance around the track is 200 yards, we can set up the equation:
2w + 2L = 200

Now let's find the expression for the area of the track. The area of the rectangle portion is given by A_rectangle = w * L square yards.

The area of each semi-circle is given by A_semi-circle = π * (w/2)^2 / 2 square yards (since it is half of a full circle).

Therefore, the total area enclosed by the track is given by:
A = A_rectangle + 2 * A_semi-circle
= w * L + 2 * (π * (w/2)^2 / 2)

To maximize the area, we can differentiate the expression for A with respect to either w or L and set the derivative equal to zero.

Taking the derivative of A with respect to w gives:
dA/dw = L - π * w / 2 = 0

Simplifying the equation gives:
L = (π * w) / 2

Substituting this value of L into the equation 2w + 2L = 200, we get:
2w + 2(π * w / 2) = 200
2w + πw = 200
w(2 + π) = 200
w = 200 / (2 + π)

Now, substituting the value of w back into the equation L = (π * w) / 2, we get:
L = (π * (200 / (2 + π))) / 2

Now we can calculate the values of w and L:
w ≈ 46.79 yards
L ≈ 72.03 yards

Therefore, the maximum area enclosed by the track is:
A ≈ w * L
≈ 46.79 * 72.03
≈ 3377.53 square yards

To find the maximum area enclosed by the track, we need to determine the dimensions of the rectangle that will yield the largest possible area. Let's break down the problem into steps:

Step 1: Visualize the track
The track consists of a rectangle with two semi-circles on each end. By considering the geometry, we can see that the length of the rectangle will be the entire length of the track, while the width of the rectangle will correspond to the straight portions of the track, minus the diameters of the semi-circles.

Step 2: Define the dimensions
Let's assume that the length of the rectangle is denoted by L, and the width of the rectangle is denoted by W. We also know that the distance around the track is 200 yards.

Step 3: Set up the equation
We can calculate the distance around the track by summing the lengths of the straight portions of the rectangle and the circumferences of the semi-circles. Thus, we have:

Distance around the track = Length of rectangle + Circumference of semi-circles

200 = L + 2 * Circumference of semi-circles

Step 4: Express the dimensions in terms of one variable
The circumference of a semi-circle can be calculated using the formula C = πd, where C is the circumference and d is the diameter. Since the diameters of the semi-circles are equal to the width of the rectangle, we have:

Circumference of semi-circle = πW

Substituting this into the equation from Step 3:

200 = L + 2πW

Step 5: Express one variable in terms of the other
In order to maximize the area, we need to express one variable in terms of the other. Let's solve the equation from Step 4 for L:

L = 200 - 2πW

Step 6: Express the area in terms of one variable
The area enclosed by the rectangle can be calculated as the product of its length and width:

Area = Length * Width

Substituting L from Step 5:

Area = (200 - 2πW) * W

Step 7: Maximize the area
In order to maximize the area, we can take the derivative of the area equation with respect to W and set it equal to zero. Then solve for W to find the width that yields the maximum area. However, since this is a complex mathematical process, we can rely on advanced calculus or a graphing calculator to find the maximum.

Calculating the derivative and setting it equal to zero, we find:

d(Area)/dW = 0

Step 8: Determine the maximum area
Once we find the value of W that satisfies the equation from Step 7, we can substitute it back into the area equation from Step 6 to find the maximum area enclosed by the track.

Note: Due to the complexity of the calculations, it's recommended to use a calculator or software to find the specific values of W and the maximum area.