A salesperson makes a flat fee of $20 per day plus $8 per hour. Which equation or inequality can be used to find h, the number of hours the salesperson will have to work to make more than $60 for a day's work?

F: 20h + 8 = 60
G: 8h + 20 < 60
H: 8h + 20 = 60
J: 8h + 20 > 60
I think the answer is G
is it correct


the answer is j

To determine the correct equation or inequality in this scenario, we need to consider the information given. The salesperson earns a flat fee of $20 per day in addition to $8 per hour worked. We are looking for the number of hours the salesperson needs to work to make more than $60 for a day's work.

Let's break it down:

The flat fee of $20 is guaranteed, regardless of the number of hours worked.

The additional earnings from working hours, given as $8 per hour, can be calculated by multiplying the hourly rate by the number of hours worked, represented as 8h.

To find the total earnings for the day, we need to add the flat fee and the additional earnings: 20 + 8h.

Now, we need to set up the inequality to represent making more than $60 for a day's work:

20 + 8h > 60

By rearranging the terms, we have:

8h > 60 - 20

Simplifying again, we get:

8h > 40

Dividing both sides of the inequality by 8 gives:

h > 5

Therefore, the correct inequality is:

8h + 20 > 60

So, the answer is J, not G.