A laundry detergent contains a three-level quantum system ("whitener") which absorbs ultraviolet light at 273 nm. It emits light at 597 nm as part of a two-step process . What is the wavelength of the second emission process?

To determine the wavelength of the second emission process, we need to understand the two-step process involved in the emission of light.

In the given scenario, the whitener in the laundry detergent is a three-level quantum system. It absorbs ultraviolet (UV) light with a wavelength of 273 nm in the first step. This absorption excites electrons within the whitener to higher energy levels.

In the second step, the excited electrons in the higher energy levels transition back to lower energy levels, resulting in light emission. The emitted light has a wavelength of 597 nm.

To find the wavelength of the second emission process, we need to know the specific details of the quantum system and its energy levels. Without additional information, it is challenging to determine the exact wavelength of the second emission process.

However, if we consider the information given in the question, it suggests that the second emission process occurs from a higher energy level to a lower energy level within the whitener. This transition would typically result in a longer wavelength (lower energy) compared to the initial absorption at 273 nm. Thus, the wavelength of the second emission process might be longer than 597 nm.