The form of the melody called the bar form is represented by


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To identify the correct form of the melody called the bar form, you can examine the given options. The bar form is a musical structure consisting of three sections labeled as A, A, and B. Each section represents a specific musical phrase or theme.

Let's analyze each option to determine the correct answer:

A) AAB - This option follows the correct structure of the bar form, with two repeated sections (A) followed by a contrasting section (B). The first A section establishes a musical idea, the second A section repeats that idea, and the B section provides a contrast before returning to the A section.

B) ABB - This option does not follow the structure of the bar form since it contains an extra B section instead of the second A section. The bar form typically has two identical A sections before presenting the contrasting B section.

C) ABA - This option also follows the correct structure of the bar form. The first A section introduces the melodic idea, the B section provides a contrast, and then the final A section repeats the initial melodic idea.

D) ABBA - This option does not follow the structure of the bar form since it contains an extra A section after the B section. The bar form typically has two identical A sections for balance before presenting the contrasting B section.

Based on our analysis, the correct form of the melody called the bar form is represented by option A) AAB.