inhibited is to qualms as

What is the third term in this analogy?

What are your choices?

Skittish is to reservations

uninhibited is to certainty

To find the relationship between the words "inhibited" and "qualms," we need to understand the meanings of both words.

First, let's define each word:

- "Inhibited" is an adjective that means restrained or held back in action, feeling, or expression.
- "Qualms" is a noun that refers to feelings of doubt, hesitation, or unease about something, especially when it comes to moral or ethical matters.

Now, let's explore their relationship:

The relationship between "inhibited" and "qualms" can be described as one of cause and effect. When someone is inhibited, they are restrained or held back in their actions or expressions. This can be due to various factors, such as internal reservations, societal expectations, or personal fears. When someone has "qualms," they experience feelings of doubt or unease. These doubts or concerns can inhibit or restrain them from taking certain actions or expressing themselves freely.

In summary, the relationship between "inhibited" and "qualms" is that being inhibited (restrained) can result from having qualms (feelings of doubt or unease).