please check my answer thanks :)

There has been judgement entered agaisnt Mike in the Northern District Court of New York. What statment below must be true for the judegment to be aganist Mike personally.

A. He was a resident of New York
B. Mike lives in the northern district of New York
C The court had personal jurisdiction over Mike and subject matter jurisdiction

My answer is C

I believe you're right.

Your answer is correct. In order for the judgment to be against Mike personally, statement C must be true. Let me explain why:

A. Being a resident of New York (option A) alone is not sufficient to establish personal liability. Residence does not automatically subject someone to the personal jurisdiction of a specific court.

B. Similarly, living in the northern district of New York (option B) does not automatically establish personal liability.

C. The court having personal jurisdiction over Mike and subject matter jurisdiction (option C) is the key factor here. Personal jurisdiction refers to the court's authority over a person, while subject matter jurisdiction relates to the court's authority over the specific type of case being heard. If both personal jurisdiction (the court's authority over Mike) and subject matter jurisdiction (the court's authority over the case itself) exist, then the judgment can be against Mike personally.