1. Hay que ______ agua, ¿verdad?

a. conserva
b. conservar
c. conservé
d. conservo

2. Quiero dormir. Por favor, ____ la luz.
a. apagamos
b. apago
c. apagué
d. apaga

3. "¿Dicen Uds. la verdad?"
"Sí, siempra la _______."
a. decimos
b. digo
c. decís
d. dicen
Not sure..

5. "No quiero ir en autobús porque necesito hacer ejercicio."
"Pues, ¿por qué no _______?"
a. montamos en bicicleta
b. leemos unas revistas
c. leemos los periódicos todos las días
d. nos quedamos en la cama



5. A

1. Hay que requires an infinitive = b

2. a familiar command = d

3. siempre (your spelling is incorrect) a (Do you all tell the truth = WE

5. a


1. The correct answer is b. conservar.

To determine the correct answer, we need to understand the correct form of the verb "conservar" that matches the sentence structure "Hay que ______ agua, ¿verdad?".

In this case, the verb "conservar" means "to conserve" or "to keep". The sentence is asking if "one" needs to conserve water, so we need to use the imperative form of the verb. The correct form to complete the sentence is "conservar" in the second person singular form. Therefore, the correct answer is b. conservar.

2. The correct answer is d. apaga.

To determine the correct answer, we need to understand the correct form of the verb "apagar" that matches the sentence structure "Quiero dormir. Por favor, ____ la luz."

In this case, the verb "apagar" means "to turn off". The sentence is asking someone to turn off the light, which is a command. The correct form to complete the sentence is "apaga" in the second person singular form. Therefore, the correct answer is d. apaga.

3. The correct answer is d. dicen.

To determine the correct answer, we need to understand the subject and the verb form that matches the sentence structure.

In the question, "¿Dicen Uds. la verdad?" (Do you say the truth?), the subject "Uds." implies multiple people, referring to "you all." Therefore, we need to use the correct form of the verb "decir" (to say) that agrees with the second person plural subject "Uds." The correct form to complete the sentence is "dicen." Therefore, the correct answer is d. dicen.

5. The correct answer is a. montamos en bicicleta.

To determine the correct answer, we need to understand the context and select the option that provides a logical response to the statement "No quiero ir en autobús porque necesito hacer ejercicio." (I don't want to go by bus because I need to exercise.)

Reading through the options, we can eliminate options b, c, and d as they do not align with the context. Option a. "montamos en bicicleta" (we ride bicycles) is the most logical response as it addresses the need to exercise by suggesting an alternative mode of transportation. Therefore, the correct answer is a. montamos en bicicleta.