I just want my answer to be clarified.

So the original idea of boundaries was to separate the land among the territories and provinces...???
And make locations on maps seem easier?

--I still feel like I'm missing out on some things, but I don't know what other information to add. Could you please help me? I looked through sites as well.

Problems that have occured because of this?

-Conflicts occured between individuals, since they did not think the boundaries, placed were correct, and some early explorers had difficulties recognizing the lines of boundary they each kept getting lost. The 49th parallel of latitude that set the boundary between British and American territory in the West--cut through plains and mountains. The people who had been used to crossing a natural area were now hemmed in by lines on a map. The natives had no right to draw in these lines on the maps themselved. Also, the Aboriginals had no authority in claiming the control of their traditional territories.

I am not so certain your answer is complete. It is easy to draw a line on a map. It is quite something else to have other folks accept the lines as authorative. People living on a land seem to accept natural boundries much easier than arbritary lines drawn through by someone remote, drawn in some other time.

Often boundaries are drawn on whims. Example: the India and Pakistan boundary, once drawn, it divided families and cohesive communities, and the boundary has had to be "enforced" by remote governments, because the locals have largely never accepted it.

The provincial and territorial boundaries of Western Canada are so familiar that it is easy to forget how abstract they are. These political boundaries are what geographers call "artifical" boundaries. Before European settlement, the Native peoples, Metis, early explorers, and fur trappers divided Western Canada according to its natural boundaries--the recognzied physical features of Shield, plains, mountains, rivers, and forests. Such boundaries are ill-suited for the purposes of the modern state: political leaders like to have clear lines indicating the extent of their authority.

The original idea of boundaries was indeed to separate land among territories and provinces, as well as to make locations on maps easier to understand. Boundaries serve to demarcate distinct areas, establish ownership or jurisdiction, and define the limits of a particular territory.

However, the implementation of boundaries has not been without problems. Conflicts have arisen because individuals sometimes disagree with the placement of boundaries, which can lead to disputes and animosity between different groups or nations. Early explorers often faced difficulties recognizing or distinguishing the lines of boundary as they ventured into new territories, resulting in confusion and even getting lost.

An example of this is the 49th parallel of latitude that set the boundary between British and American territory in the West. This line cut through plains and mountains, affecting the movement and daily lives of those who had been accustomed to crossing freely between natural areas. The introduction of this artificial boundary on a map resulted in people feeling hemmed in and restricted.

Additionally, boundaries have had significant impacts on indigenous populations. Native peoples may not have had the right or authority to draw these lines on the maps themselves, leading to a lack of consideration for their traditional territories. This has resulted in the displacement of indigenous communities and a loss of control over their ancestral lands.

In summary, while the establishment of boundaries was intended to provide clarity and organization, it has also caused conflicts and challenges, especially for those directly affected by them, such as explorers, indigenous peoples, and local communities.