What do you think is the moral of the story Tao of Forgiveness?

Thank you :)

I find that on Internet:

Tao of Forgiveness

Short Desription:

Bestselling Taoist author William Martin brings the power of the Tao to the essential practice of forgiveness, creating a unique path from guilt, blame, and shame to peace of mind and freedom.

How do we forgive when forgiveness seems impossible? William Martin, author of the bestselling The Parent''s Tao Te Ching, provides practical and time honored answers. He weaves excerpts from the ancient sacred Taoist scriptures together with insightful teaching stories, bringing the practice of forgiveness to readers of all spiritual backgrounds. Each chapter contains two parts-a journey toward forgiveness and a practical exercise in forgiving-and also includes personal anecdotes, poems, and simple exercises.

With the devastating personal and societal damage caused by resentment, anger, guilt, and shame in mind, Martin patiently and compassionately helps readers overcome the ills of "holding on" with the openness of the Tao. In this accessible work, he illustrates how forgiveness is freedom and that the pathway to overcoming anger is also the way to spiritual liberation.

The Tao of Forgiveness
That was a good one.

but nevertheless we forget everything, every tao of life, kindness and forgiveness, except : it is easy to say and hard to do."

Many people are afraid to forgive because they feel they must remember the wrong or they will not learn from it. The opposite is true. Through forgiveness, the wrong is released from its emotional stranglehold on us so that we can learn from it. Through the power and intelligence of the heart, the release of forgiveness brings expanded intelligence to work

There is even the danger that faith itself will become
the bag of potatoes, the stuff of ego and dogma. But if
we let go of the bag, of our separate self, there’s nothing.

what does it mean to be spiritual

To determine the moral of the story "Tao of Forgiveness," we need to first understand the context and content of the story. Unfortunately, as an AI language model, I don't have access to specific stories unless they have been widely discussed. However, I can provide you with a general approach to identifying the moral of a story:

1. Read or listen to the story: Obtain a copy of the story and carefully read or listen to it. Pay attention to the main characters, their actions, and the situations they encounter.

2. Identify key themes: Reflect on the events and characters within the story to identify recurring themes or messages. Look for common threads, conflicts, or lessons that appear throughout the narrative.

3. Analyze character motivations: Understand why the characters behave the way they do. Look for any underlying motivations, conflicts, or changes in their outlook or behavior throughout the story.

4. Consider the resolution: Pay close attention to how the story ends. Observe how the conflict is resolved or how the characters' actions lead to certain outcomes. The resolution often holds important insights into the moral or message of the story.

5. Reflect on personal interpretation: After analyzing the story, think about how it resonates with your own experiences and beliefs. Consider what lessons or insights you draw from the story and how it can be applied to real-life situations.

By following these steps and applying them to the specific story you mentioned, "Tao of Forgiveness," you will be better equipped to determine the moral or message it conveys.