Christopher Sly, a drunk tinker, is being scolded by the hostess of a bar. Why is
she angry with him? What is his response?

This No Fear Shakespeare of SparkNotes will help you understand.


To find out why the hostess is angry with Christopher Sly in "Taming of the Shrew," one can refer to the play itself. "Taming of the Shrew" is a comedy written by William Shakespeare, and this particular scene is part of the induction, which serves as the framing device of the play.

To find the exact lines and dialogue, one can access a copy of "Taming of the Shrew" and locate Act 1, Scene 1, where Christopher Sly and the hostess interact. Alternatively, one can use online resources such as Shakespearean literature websites or digital copies of the play to access the scene.

Here is a suggested method to get the answer:

1. Search for the play "Taming of the Shrew" online or visit a library to find a copy of the play.
2. Open the play to Act 1, Scene 1, where Christopher Sly and the hostess interact.
3. Read the scene carefully, paying close attention to the dialogue between Christopher Sly and the hostess.
4. Look for the part where the hostess expresses her anger towards Christopher Sly and note the reason behind her anger.
5. Continue reading to find Christopher Sly's response to the hostess.

By following these steps, you will be able to refer to the original text and find the exact reason why the hostess is angry with Christopher Sly and his subsequent response.