What is the answer to this question?


( If I do it with PEMDAS, the answer would be 2, but when I type in google, it give me 288)
[ 9+3 = 12 -> 48/2(12) -> 2 x 12 = 24 -> 48/24 = 2]

Google is right!

PEMDAS works like this:
1. Parentheses
2. Exponential
3. Multiplications and Divisions
4. Additions and subtractions.

BUT when multiplications and divisions are both present without parentheses, they are executed from left to right.

The same rule applies when we have additions and subtractions.


Compare with


You're welcome!

To correctly solve the given expression 48 ÷ 2(9 + 3), we need to follow the order of operations, which is commonly known as PEMDAS (Parentheses, Exponents, Multiplication and Division, and Addition and Subtraction). However, there can be some ambiguity in this expression due to the lack of parentheses placement.

The disagreement can arise because the division symbol (÷) and the multiplication symbol (x) have equal precedence. In these cases, it is important to apply the operations from left to right.

To demonstrate the different interpretations, let's evaluate each step:

1. Start by simplifying the parentheses:
9 + 3 = 12

2. Now, let's examine the two potential interpretations:

a) PEMDAS interpretation (48 ÷ 2) x (12):
Begin by evaluating the division:
48 ÷ 2 = 24

Next, perform the multiplication:
24 x 12 = 288

b) Left-to-right interpretation 48 ÷ 2(12):
Proceed from left to right according to the order of operations. First, perform the multiplication:
2 x 12 = 24

Then, perform the division:
48 ÷ 24 = 2

So, based on the different interpretations, the value of the expression can be either 288 or 2. Keep in mind that the lack of parentheses in the original expression causes the ambiguity.

When you type this expression into Google, the search engine applies its own interpretation. In this case, it seems to be using the left-to-right interpretation and gives you the result of 288. However, it is important to note that this may not be consistent across different calculators or search engines.

If you want to avoid any confusion, it's recommended to use parentheses to clearly indicate the desired order of operations.