paint color is made using 4 drops of red and 5 drops of blue for each 5 gallons of paint. How many gallons of paint are being colored when 45 drops of color are used??

25 gallons

25 like if I’m right cause I’m not sure

9 drops of coloured paint are used for 5 gallons of paint. Use direct proportions:

9 drops : 5 gallons
45 drop : X gallons
X=5*45/9 = ? gallons

I need operation

To find out how many gallons of paint are being colored when 45 drops of color are used, we need to use the given ratio of drops of paint color to gallons of paint.

The ratio is: 4 drops of red and 5 drops of blue for each 5 gallons of paint.

Therefore, for every 9 drops of paint color (4 drops of red + 5 drops of blue), we have 5 gallons of paint being colored.

Now, let's calculate the number of sets of 9 drops in 45 drops of paint color:

45 drops ÷ 9 drops/set = 5 sets

Thus, there are 5 sets of 9 drops in 45 drops of paint color.

For each set of 9 drops, we have 5 gallons of paint:

5 sets × 5 gallons/set = 25 gallons

Therefore, when 45 drops of paint color are used, 25 gallons of paint are being colored.

9 gallons