What happened to a knight when they broke a promise?

I researched this question -- and couldn't find an answer. Apparently there were no overt penalties. The code of chivalry expected knights to adhere to certain conduct as a matter of principle.

I think Ms. Sue is right. I looked in many places, too, and found nothing. The story "Gawain and the Green Knight" is an example of what lengths a knight was expected to go so that he DIDN'T break a promise.


When a knight broke a promise, the consequences could vary depending on the circumstances and the honor code of the time and place. However, in general, breaking a promise would tarnish a knight's reputation and honor, which was highly valued in medieval chivalry.

To find specific instances or consequences of knights breaking promises, it is helpful to refer to historical accounts, literature, and legends concerning knights. Here are a few steps you can take to gather such information:

1. Research medieval chivalry: Before looking for specific examples, familiarize yourself with the ideals and code of conduct that knights were expected to uphold. This will give you context for their actions and potential consequences.

2. Investigate historical events: Look into notable historical incidents involving knights and broken promises. For instance, you may explore accounts of knights who pledged loyalty to a lord but later switched sides during battles or conflicts.

3. Study literature and legends: Knights and their behaviors are often depicted in literature and legends. Look for stories, such as Arthurian legends, that involve knights breaking promises. These tales may highlight the potential consequences that knights faced, such as loss of honor, banishment, or being held in disgrace.

4. Explore literary works: Read works of literature set in medieval times that provide insights into the consequences of breaking promises. Authors like Sir Thomas Malory, Chrétien de Troyes, or Geoffrey Chaucer often portrayed knights and their experiences.

By following these steps and exploring various historical, literary, and legendary sources, you can gain a broader understanding of what happened to a knight when they broke a promise.