21) - Granite, shale, coal, and limestone are commonly known as?

Granite, shale, coal, and limestone are commonly known as rocks or geological formations. Now, let me explain how you can reach this answer.

To identify the common name of these substances, you can employ basic knowledge of geology or conduct a quick search. Alternatively, you can categorize these substances based on their characteristics.

Granite is a type of igneous rock that is coarse-grained and often used as a building material. Shale is a type of sedimentary rock that is formed by the accumulation of clay and silt particles. Coal is a combustible black or brownish-black sedimentary rock primarily composed of carbon and hydrocarbons. Limestone is a sedimentary rock mainly composed of calcium carbonate.

By knowing these characteristics or conducting a search, you will discover that granite, shale, coal, and limestone are indeed commonly known as rocks or geological formations.