Explain the personality differences between the adjutant and Lean please help he out just to start out don't get how i am sopose to do this

8. "I suppose," said the adjutant, slowly, "we'd better search his clothes for--things."

9. Lean nodded. Together in curious abstraction they looked at the body. Then Lean stirred his shoulders suddenly, arousing himself.

10. "Yes," he said, "we'd better see what he's got." He dropped to his knees, and his hands approached the body of the dead officer. But his hands wavered over the buttons of the tunic. The first button was brick-red with drying blood, and he did not seem to dare to touch it.

11. "Go on," said the adjutant, hoarsely.

12. Lean stretched his wooden hand, and his fingers fumbled the bloodstained buttons. At last he rose with ghastly face. He had gathered a watch, a whistle, a pipe, a tobacco-pouch, a handkerchief, a little case of cards and papers. He looked at the adjutant. There was a silence. The adjutant was feeling that he had been a coward to make Lean do all the grisly business.

Who suggested searching the body? Who actually did it? What differences do you see in the two men?


In this passage, we can observe some personality differences between the adjutant and Lean. To understand these differences, let's break down the actions and behaviors displayed by each character:

1. The adjutant:
- The adjutant suggests searching the dead officer's clothes for "things."
- He speaks slowly, which indicates a more cautious and deliberate nature.
- He appears to be hesitant and unsure about searching the body.

2. Lean:
- Lean agrees with the adjutant's suggestion.
- He stares at the body abstractly, showing a detached or distant mindset.
- Lean needs to rouse himself from this state of abstraction.
- He hesitates to touch the bloodstained button, possibly indicating a more sensitive or hesitant nature.
- Lean finally reaches out with his wooden hand to search the officer's tunic.
- He retrieves various items from the body, including a watch, whistle, pipe, tobacco-pouch, handkerchief, and a case of cards and papers.
- Lean's actions and subsequent facial expression suggest he may be disturbed or affected by the grisly task.

Based on these actions and behaviors, we can infer that the adjutant is more cautious, hesitant, and willing to let Lean take charge of the necessary but unsettling task. Meanwhile, Lean appears distant, sensitive, and affected by the nature of the task.