An average score of 90 or above in a history class receives an A grade. You have scores of 90, 89, and 85 on three exams. Find the range of scores on the fourth exam that will give you an A grade for the course. (Let N stand for your score on the fourth exam.)

(90 + 89 + 85 + n)/4 ≥ 90

Solve for n.


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To find the range of scores on the fourth exam that will give you an A grade, we need to calculate the minimum score required.

To receive an A grade, you need an average score of 90 or above. Since you already have scores of 90, 89, and 85 on the first three exams, the total of these scores is 90 + 89 + 85 = 264.

To find the minimum score required on the fourth exam, we subtract 264 from the sum of four 90s (i.e., the minimum average score needed for an A grade).

4 * 90 = 360
So, the minimum score required on the fourth exam can be calculated as follows:
360 - 264 = 96.

Therefore, to attain an A grade in the history class, you need a score of 96 or above on the fourth exam.