I am diagraming sentences... what would a year be? He lived in the white house until 1945?

HELP! I got everything else...


It seems to be used as a noun.

In this sentence, 1945 is a noun, the object of the preposition, until.


To diagram the sentence "He lived in the White House until 1945," you can follow these steps:

1. Identify the main subject and main verb in the sentence. In this case, the main subject is "He" and the main verb is "lived."

2. Draw a horizontal line and place the main subject "He" on the left side of the line, and the main verb "lived" on the right side of the line. Connect the subject and verb with a diagonal line, known as a verb phrase connector.

He / lived

3. Identify any modifiers or additional information in the sentence. In this case, the phrase "in the White House" is a prepositional phrase that provides more detail. Place it below the main verb line and connect it with a straight line.

He / lived
in the White House

4. Next, identify the dependent clause, "until 1945," which adds information about the duration of living in the White House. Draw a dotted line under the main verb line to indicate the dependent clause.

He / lived
in the White House
until 1945

5. Finally, label the parts of speech for clarity:
- He: pronoun (subject)
- lived: verb (past tense)
- in: preposition
- the White House: noun (object of the preposition)
- until: subordinating conjunction
- 1945: noun

Putting it all together, the diagram would look something like this:

He / lived
in the White House
until 1945

By breaking down the sentence and following these steps, you can effectively diagram the given sentence.