how do you measure angles


You can use a protractor.

use a protractor dude

To measure angles, you typically use a device called a protractor. Here's a step-by-step guide on how to measure angles using a protractor:

1. Place the protractor on a flat surface, such as a piece of paper or a table.
2. Position the baseline of the protractor along one of the lines forming the angle. Ensure that the vertex of the angle coincides with the midpoint of the protractor.
3. Read the scale on the protractor. Most protractors have two sets of numbers - one reading clockwise and the other reading counterclockwise. Choose the appropriate set based on the direction of your angle.
4. Look for the zero mark on the protractor. This is the center point where the baseline and the scale intersect.
5. Locate the endpoint of the other line forming the angle on the protractor and find the degree measurement where it intersects with the scale.
6. Read the degree measurement where the second line intersects the scale, and that is the measurement of your angle.

It's worth noting that some protractors also have additional markings for measuring acute and obtuse angles, as well as a movable arm for measuring and drawing angles. Familiarize yourself with the specific protractor you are using to accurately measure angles.