Fe(NO3)3+LiOH -> Fe(OH)3 + LiNO3

I cant get this balanced please help!

Fe(NO3)3 + 3 LiOH = Fe(OH)3 + 3 LiNO3

Thank you very much!

To balance the given chemical equation Fe(NO3)3 + LiOH -> Fe(OH)3 + LiNO3, we need to ensure that the same number of atoms of each element are present on both sides of the equation.

Let's start by looking at the number of atoms for each element in the equation:

Fe (Iron): 1 Fe on both sides
N (Nitrogen): 3 N on the left side (Fe(NO3)3), 1 N on the right side (LiNO3)
O (Oxygen): 9 O on the left side (3 x NO3), 3 O on the right side (3 x OH)
Li (Lithium): 1 Li on both sides
H (Hydrogen): 3 H on the left side (3 x OH), 3 H on the right side (3 x H in Fe(OH)3)

Now, let's balance the equation step-by-step:

1. Begin by balancing the Fe atoms.
The left side has one Fe atom, so we need one Fe atom on the right side as well.

Fe(NO3)3 + LiOH -> Fe(OH)3 + LiNO3

2. Next, balance the Nitrogen atoms.
The left side has three Nitrogen atoms, so we need three Nitrogen atoms on the right side as well.

Fe(NO3)3 + LiOH -> Fe(OH)3 + 3LiNO3

3. Now, balance the Oxygen atoms.
The left side has nine Oxygen atoms (3 x NO3), and the right side has three Oxygen atoms (3 x OH).
To balance the Oxygen, we add three water molecules (H2O) to the right side since they contain one Oxygen atom each.

Fe(NO3)3 + 3LiOH -> Fe(OH)3 + 3LiNO3 + 3H2O

4. Finally, balance the Li (Lithium) and H (Hydrogen) atoms.
Both Li and H are already balanced, so the equation is now balanced.

Fe(NO3)3 + 3LiOH -> Fe(OH)3 + 3LiNO3 + 3H2O

Now, the equation is balanced correctly with one Fe(NO3)3 molecule reacting with three LiOH molecules to produce one Fe(OH)3 molecule, three LiNO3 molecules, and three water (H2O) molecules.

To balance this chemical equation, you need to ensure that there is an equal number of atoms of each element on both sides of the equation.

Let's go step by step:

Fe(NO3)3 + LiOH -> Fe(OH)3 + LiNO3

First, let's count the number of atoms of each element on both sides:

Fe: Before: 1, After: 1
N: Before: 3, After: 1
O: Before: 9, After: 3
Li: Before: 1, After: 1
H: Before: 3, After: 3

Now let's start with the unbalanced equation again:

Fe(NO3)3 + LiOH -> Fe(OH)3 + LiNO3

Let's balance the Fe atoms first. There is only 1 Fe atom on each side, so it is already balanced.

Next, let's balance the N atoms. There are 3 N atoms on the left side, but only 1 on the right side. To balance this, we need to multiply LiNO3 by 3:

Fe(NO3)3 + LiOH -> Fe(OH)3 + 3LiNO3

Next, let's balance the O atoms. There are 9 O atoms on the left side and 3 O atoms on the right side. To balance this, we need to multiply LiOH by 3 and Fe(OH)3 by 3:

Fe(NO3)3 + 3LiOH -> 3Fe(OH)3 + 3LiNO3

Finally, let's check the Li and H atoms. There are 3 Li atoms and 3 H atoms on each side, so they are already balanced.

The balanced equation is:

Fe(NO3)3 + 3LiOH -> 3Fe(OH)3 + 3LiNO3