Country Currency Rate

U.S $ 1.0
Austria Schilling 11.465
Finland Markka 4.954
United KIngdom Pound 0.572
She bought plane ticket for 150 pounds in the united kingdom. How much would it cost in Austria?

To find out how much the plane ticket would cost in Austria, we need to convert the amount from pounds to Austrian Schillings.

Given that 1 pound is equivalent to 0.572 Austrian Schillings, we can use this exchange rate to convert the amount.

To calculate the cost in Austrian Schillings, we multiply the amount in pounds by the exchange rate:

Cost in Austrian Schillings = Amount in Pounds x Exchange Rate

Let's calculate it:

Cost in Austrian Schillings = 150 pounds x 0.572 Austrian Schillings

Cost in Austrian Schillings = 85.8 Austrian Schillings

Therefore, the plane ticket would cost approximately 85.8 Austrian Schillings in Austria.