how do i use two unit multipliers to convert 61.131121 kilometers to centimeters

1 km = 1000 meters

1 m = 100 centimeters

Multiply the kilometers by 1,000 to find the meters.

Multiply the meters by 100 to find the centimeters.

These types of problems are easier if you get in the habit of including the units during the conversion. It then becomes second nature when the units are less familiar.

1 km = 1000 meters so the conversion is 1000 m km-1

1 m = 100 centimeters so the conversion is 100 cm m-1

61.131121 km x 1000 m km-1 x 100 cm m-1

=6.1131121 x 10^6 cm

note that the units balance in that the LHS cancels down to cm. This approach is very useful when you have not used the units before.

IS 1KM=1000M

1 KM = 100000 CM

61.131121 KM = 6113100 CM

To convert kilometers to centimeters, you can use two unit multipliers: one to convert kilometers to meters, and another to convert meters to centimeters. Here's how you can do it:

Step 1: Convert kilometers to meters.
- 1 kilometer is equal to 1000 meters. So, to convert kilometers to meters, multiply the value in kilometers by 1000.
- In this case, 61.131121 kilometers * 1000 = 61,131.121 meters.

Step 2: Convert meters to centimeters.
- 1 meter is equal to 100 centimeters. So, to convert meters to centimeters, multiply the value in meters by 100.
- In this case, 61,131.121 meters * 100 = 6,113,112.1 centimeters.

Therefore, 61.131121 kilometers is equal to 6,113,112.1 centimeters.