Which expression means y is three times the size of x?

A. Y= x + 3
B. Y = x over 3
c. Y = x - 3
D. y = 3x

A manufacturing company's sales decreased by 0.1%. Which of the following is equivalent to 0.1%?

F. One percent
G. One - tenth percent
H. one- hundredth percent
J. one thousandth percent

Take a shot at these. I'll be glad to check your answers.

i think number one is d and number 2 is g

Both answers are right!

To find the expression that means y is three times the size of x, you need to understand that "three times the size of x" means multiplying x by 3. So the correct expression would be D. y = 3x.

To determine which option is equivalent to 0.1%, you need to know how percentages are calculated. "Percent" means "per hundred," so 1% is equal to 1/100. To convert a fraction to a percentage, you multiply it by 100. Therefore, 0.1% can be written as 0.1/100.

Looking at the given options, F. One percent is not equivalent to 0.1%. G. One-tenth percent is equivalent to 0.1%. H. One-hundredth percent is not equivalent to 0.1%. J. One thousandth percent is not equivalent to 0.1%.

So the correct answer is G. One-tenth percent.