I need to write and eassy reuarding the history of Jehovah's Witnesses and Chistians. Also I need to take the role of a Cristian and Debate a Jehovahs Witnesses ie why blood transfusions are ok salvation ect.

I just need to know if any one could please tell me any web sites that would help me thanks :)

My favorite way to search is to go to Google's advanced search page http://www.google.com/advanced_search?hl=en and put my search words or phrases into the first or second search box (either "all the words" or "exact phrase"). However, there many other strategies for searching you can use, and the HOW TO SEARCH THE INTERNET section will help you best.

Learning to use Google or other search engines can save you time and help you learn to find information efficiently. Here are some websites that can teach you how:





... and one to help you judge whether a particular website's information is worth your time:


Happy searching.


Thanks :)

I'm a Jehovah's Witness!

This is a religious issue rather than a medical one. Both the Old and New Testaments clearly command us to abstain from blood. (Genesis 9:4; Leviticus 17:10; Deuteronomy 12:23; Acts 15:28, 29) Also, God views blood as representing life. (Leviticus 17:14) So we avoid taking blood not only in obedience to God but also out of respect for him as the Giver of life.


You can also look at our website jw.org

Sure! I can help you find some websites that can provide information on the history of Jehovah's Witnesses and Christianity, as well as their differing beliefs on topics like blood transfusions and salvation. It's important to gather information from reputable and reliable sources for your essay and debate. Here's a step-by-step guide on how to find these websites:

1. Begin by searching for general information on the history of Jehovah's Witnesses and Christianity. You can use search engines like Google, Bing, or Yahoo for this purpose. Simply type in keywords like "history of Jehovah's Witnesses" or "history of Christianity" in the search bar.

2. Look for official sources: To ensure accurate information, it's advisable to visit the official websites of Jehovah's Witnesses and mainstream Christian denominations. These sources will provide reliable and relevant information.

- The official website of Jehovah's Witnesses: www.jw.org
- Official websites of mainstream Christian denominations like Roman Catholicism, Protestantism, and Orthodoxy. These will vary depending on the specific denomination you choose to research.

3. Utilize academic and scholarly sources: Academic sources like scholarly articles, books, and online databases can help you gather in-depth and well-researched information. Here are a few suggestions:

- JSTOR (www.jstor.org): This is a digital library that provides access to an extensive collection of academic journals, books, and primary sources. It may require a subscription, but many universities and libraries offer free access.
- Google Scholar (scholar.google.com): This search engine specifically targets scholarly literature. You can find research papers, theses, books, and articles on various subjects.

4. Look for religious studies websites: Several websites specialize in religious studies and provide resources on different beliefs and practices. These can offer you an objective perspective and insight into the theological differences between Jehovah's Witnesses and Christians.

- The Pew Research Center (www.pewforum.org): This organization conducts research on religion, public opinion, and related topics, offering a wealth of information on various religious groups.
- Patheos (www.patheos.com): This website provides a platform for the discussion and exploration of various religions, including Jehovah's Witnesses and different Christian denominations.

Remember, it's essential to critically evaluate the sources you find, considering their credibility, objectivity, and relevance to your topic. Don't rely solely on biased or unverified websites. Additionally, it's a good practice to cross-reference the information you gather from multiple sources to ensure accuracy.

I hope this guidance helps you find the necessary resources for your essay and debate. Good luck with your research and writing!