use set-builder notation to describe the complete solution



5[3m-m-6] > -6m+30
5[2m-6] > -6m+30
10m -30 > -6m+30
16m > 60
m > 60/16
m > 15/4

so the solution is {m │ m > 15/4}

solve by the elimination method

solve the system by the elimination methods
x+6<-7or x+6>4

Thanks so much Reiny

To solve the inequality 5[3m-(m+6)] > -6(m-5), we can start by simplifying the expression on both sides of the inequality sign.

First, let's simplify the left-hand side:
5[3m - (m + 6)] = 5[3m - m - 6] = 5(2m - 6) = 10m - 30

Now, let's simplify the right-hand side:
-6(m - 5) = -6m + 30

After simplifying both sides of the inequality, we now have:
10m - 30 > -6m + 30

Next, we can move all variables to one side of the inequality and the constants to the other side:
10m + 6m > 30 + 30
16m > 60

To isolate the variable, we divide both sides of the inequality by 16:
m > 60/16

Simplifying the right-hand side:
m > 15/4

Now we can express the complete solution in set-builder notation. The set-builder notation for the complete solution of the inequality m > 15/4 is:

{m | m > 15/4}