Where can I get any good scientific journals which might have info on dingoes

To find good scientific journals with information on dingoes, you can follow these steps:

1. Start by searching for reputable scientific databases or search engines that specialize in academic research. Some popular examples include Google Scholar, PubMed, ScienceDirect, and JSTOR.

2. Visit one of these databases or search engines and enter keywords such as "dingoes," "Australian native canids," or any specific aspect of dingoes you are interested in studying (e.g., behavior, ecology, genetics).

3. Browse through the search results to find relevant scientific articles and journals. The search results will display the title, author(s), and publication details for each article.

4. Look for reputable scientific journals that focus on animal behavior, ecology, or wildlife conservation. Examples of such journals include Animal Behavior, Journal of Wildlife Management, Wildlife Research, Biological Conservation, and Behavioral Ecology.

5. Once you have identified the journals that are relevant to your search, you can access the full articles in a few ways:

a. You may have access to a university library or institution that provides online access to scientific journals. In that case, you can directly search for the journal title in your institution's library catalog or database and access the articles from there.

b. If you don't have access to an institutional library, you may need to consider purchasing access to individual articles or subscribing to the journal directly. Most journals offer subscription options on their websites, allowing you to access their articles for a fee.

c. Some journals also offer open-access articles, which are freely available to anyone. Look for the "Open Access" section or filter in the scientific database or search engine you are using to find freely accessible articles.

Remember to critically evaluate the sources you find and prioritize reputable journals. Look for articles written by experts in the field and published in journals with a rigorous peer-review process to ensure the scientific validity and accuracy of the information you gather.