What do the following people like? Write the correct form of the verb gustar in each sentence.

1. A mí la cena que prepara Sebastián.

2. A Patricia las hamburguesas, las papas fritas y los refrescos.

3. A nosotras la comida nutritiva.

4. A ustedes las manzanas y las uvas.

5. ¿A ti mucho los huevos?

1. A mí me gusta la cena que prepara Sebastián.

2. A Patricia le gustan las hamburguesas, las papas fritas y los refrescos.
3. A nosotras nos gusta la comida nutritiva.
4. A ustedes les gustan las manzanas y las uvas.
5. ¿A ti te gustan mucho los huevos?

1. A mí me gusta la cena que prepara Sebastián.

2. A Patricia le gustan las hamburguesas, las papas fritas y los refrescos.
3. A nosotras nos gusta la comida nutritiva.
4. A ustedes les gustan las manzanas y las uvas.
5. ¿A ti te gustan mucho los huevos?

To determine the correct form of the verb "gustar" in each sentence, you need to consider the subject and the item being liked. In Spanish, the verb "gustar" is conjugated based on the subject and matches the item being liked, which will be the indirect object.

1. A mí me gusta la cena que prepara Sebastián.
Explanation: In this sentence, the subject is "a mí" (to me), and the item being liked is "la cena que prepara Sebastián" (the dinner that Sebastián prepares). Since the item is singular, the verb is conjugated as "gusta".

2. A Patricia le gustan las hamburguesas, las papas fritas y los refrescos.
Explanation: In this sentence, the subject is "A Patricia" (to Patricia), and the items being liked are "las hamburguesas, las papas fritas y los refrescos" (the hamburgers, French fries, and soft drinks). Since the items are plural, the verb is conjugated as "gustan".

3. A nosotras nos gusta la comida nutritiva.
Explanation: In this sentence, the subject is "A nosotras" (to us), and the item being liked is "la comida nutritiva" (nutritious food). Since the item is singular, the verb is conjugated as "gusta".

4. A ustedes les gustan las manzanas y las uvas.
Explanation: In this sentence, the subject is "A ustedes" (to all of you), and the items being liked are "las manzanas y las uvas" (apples and grapes). Since the items are plural, the verb is conjugated as "gustan".

5. ¿A ti te gustan mucho los huevos?
Explanation: In this sentence, the subject is "A ti" (to you), and the item being liked is "los huevos" (eggs). Since the item is plural, the verb is conjugated as "gustan". The word "mucho" (a lot) is placed before the verb to indicate intensity.


This explains that strange verb pretty well. :-)
Let us know what you come up with and we'll be glad to check it.

1. me gusta

2.le gusta
3.nos gusta
4.le gustan
5.te gusta