What do the following people like? Write the correct form of the verb gustar in each sentence.

1. A mí la cena que prepara Sebastián.

2. A Patricia las hamburguesas, las papas fritas y los refrescos.

3. A nosotras la comida nutritiva.

4. A ustedes las manzanas y las uvas.

5. ¿A ti mucho los huevos?

What is the correct form of goof in

What is the correct form of good in

To answer the question, we need to use the verb "gustar" in the correct form for each sentence. Here are the correct forms:

1. A mí me gusta la cena que prepara Sebastián.
2. A Patricia le gustan las hamburguesas, las papas fritas y los refrescos.
3. A nosotras nos gusta la comida nutritiva.
4. A ustedes les gustan las manzanas y las uvas.
5. ¿A ti te gustan mucho los huevos?

To form the sentence correctly, we use the verb "gustar" and add the appropriate indirect object pronoun before it. The pronoun changes based on the subject of the sentence and indicates who likes something. The verb itself "gustar" is conjugated based on the thing that is liked. In Spanish, we use the third-person form of "gustar" even though the subject may be first or second person.

EGGA ARE NASTY1!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!@@@@@@@!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

We do not do the work for you but HELP after you DO what you can. The verb gustar actually means "to be please to someone." That will explain why it is usually used in the 3rd person singular if one thing IS liked or 3rd person plural if two or more things ARE liked.

When you answer a question, if y \ou find it difficult, try the following:
1. Translate the question into English.
2. Answer it FIRST in English .
3. Then try the Spanish.
4. Now look carefully at #3 to see if it will elicit the original question.

5. Do YOU like eggs much?
Eggs ARE pleasing to ME.
