I forgot to include the following sentences. I really hope you can have a look at them, too.

1) But I heard his voice, which sounded very low.
I couldn't see his face because he escaped very quickly.
2) The only thing I remember is that is was carrying something like a gun in his right hand.
3) I felt sorry for my best friend because his girlfriend had dumped him.
4) I was proud of myself (not me) when I got a good mark in my maths test (I made a good grade on my maths test, both possible?):
5) I was ashamed of myself when my teacher reprimanded me in the class register for using my mobile phone during a test.

1) However, I heard his voice, which sounded very low.

2) The only thing I remember is that he was carrying something like a gun in his right hand.

3) OK

4) I was proud of myself when I got a good mark in my maths test. (I made a good grade on my maths test, both possible?) Both are correct, yes.

5) OK

2. "is that is was carrying " = is that he was carrying

4. on my math test is more usual

5. in the class register? or simply "in the class"


No problem, here's an analysis of each sentence:

1) But I heard his voice, which sounded very low.
To analyze this sentence, you can break it down into two parts:
- "But I heard his voice" indicates that the speaker was able to hear the person's voice.
- "which sounded very low" provides additional information about the voice, indicating that it was a low tone.

2) The only thing I remember is that is was carrying something like a gun in his right hand.
To analyze this sentence, let's break it down:
- "The only thing I remember" indicates that the speaker can only recall one specific detail.
- "is that is was carrying something like a gun in his right hand" describes the detail the speaker remembers, which is that the person was holding an object resembling a gun in their right hand.

3) I felt sorry for my best friend because his girlfriend had dumped him.
To analyze this sentence:
- "I felt sorry for my best friend" indicates the speaker's emotion towards their best friend.
- "because his girlfriend had dumped him" provides the reason for feeling sorry, as the friend's girlfriend ended their relationship.

4) I was proud of myself when I got a good mark in my maths test (I made a good grade on my maths test, both possible?).
To analyze this sentence:
- "I was proud of myself" describes the speaker's feeling of pride.
- "when I got a good mark in my maths test" specifies the achievement that made the speaker proud, which is receiving a good grade on their math test. "I made a good grade on my math test" is also possible and has the same meaning.

5) I was ashamed of myself when my teacher reprimanded me in the class register for using my mobile phone during a test.
To analyze this sentence:
- "I was ashamed of myself" describes the speaker's feeling of embarrassment or guilt.
- "when my teacher reprimanded me in the class register" explains the reason for feeling ashamed, which is the teacher scolding the speaker in front of others in the class register.
- "for using my mobile phone during a test" specifies the action that led to the reprimand, which is using a mobile phone during a test.