Please help me solve the following. Thanks,

Write m^p = q using logarithms.

Solve (1/e)^2x = 14

by definition m^p = q is the same as

logm q = p

for your second question

(1/e)^2x = 14

e^(-2x) = 14
-2x = ln 14
x = -1/2 ln 14

Are you not familiar with the basic properties of logs and exponents?
These type of questions require you to know those.

To write m^p = q using logarithms, you can use the logarithmic property of exponents, which states that log(base m)(x^p) = p * log(base m)(x).

Using this property, you can rewrite the given equation: m^p = q

Take the logarithm of both sides with base m:
log(base m)(m^p) = log(base m)(q)

Applying the exponent property of logarithms on the left side:
p * log(base m)(m) = log(base m)(q)

Now, as log(base m)(m) = 1, the equation simplifies to:
p = log(base m)(q)

So, the equation m^p = q is equivalent to p = log(base m)(q).

Now let's move on to the next problem:

To solve the equation (1/e)^(2x) = 14, we can use logarithms to isolate the variable x.

Take the natural logarithm (ln) of both sides:
ln[(1/e)^(2x)] = ln(14)

Applying the logarithmic property of exponents on the left side:
2x * ln(1/e) = ln(14)

Now, we need to simplify the term ln(1/e).

Using the property ln(1/x) = -ln(x), we can rewrite it as:
-2x * ln(e) = ln(14)

Since ln(e) = 1, the equation becomes:
-2x = ln(14)

To isolate x, divide both sides by -2:
x = ln(14) / -2

So the solution to the equation (1/e)^(2x) = 14 is x = ln(14) / -2.