During the 2011 student's orientation at Unam, it was reported that number of male students who attended the orientation was nine hundred and forty less than four times the number of female students.

a) From the statement above, formulate a mathematical equation expressing the number of male students in terms of female students, given that (f) represent the number of female students and (m) represent the number of male students.
b) Given that the total number of students who were attending this orientation was twenty thousand five hundred and sixty, use the equation you formulated in a) to determine the number of male students who attended the orientation.

a. Females = f.

Males = 4F - 940,
m = 4f - 940.

b. f + (4f-940) = 20560,
5f - 940 = 20560,
5f = 20560 + 940 = 21500,
f = 4300 Female students,

m = 4*4300 - 940 = 16260 Male students.

a) To formulate a mathematical equation expressing the number of male students in terms of female students, we can use the information given in the statement. It states that "the number of male students who attended the orientation was nine hundred and forty less than four times the number of female students."

Let's break down the statement into mathematical terms:
- "The number of male students who attended the orientation" can be represented as 'm'.
- "Four times the number of female students" can be represented as '4f'.
- "Nine hundred and forty less than four times the number of female students" can be written as '4f - 940'.

Therefore, the equation expressing the number of male students in terms of female students is:
m = 4f - 940.

b) To determine the number of male students who attended the orientation using the equation formulated in a), we need to know the total number of students who were attending the orientation. According to the question, the total number is twenty thousand five hundred and sixty (20,560).

We can substitute this information into the equation:
m = 4f - 940,
20,560 = 4f - 940.

To solve for 'f' (the number of female students), we can add 940 to both sides of the equation to isolate the term '4f':
20,560 + 940 = 4f - 940 + 940,
21,500 = 4f.

Next, divide both sides of the equation by 4 to solve for 'f':
21,500 / 4 = 4f / 4,
5,375 = f.

Therefore, the number of female students who attended the orientation was 5,375.

Finally, substitute the value of 'f' back into the equation to find the number of male students:
m = 4f - 940,
m = 4 * 5,375 - 940,
m = 21,500 - 940,
m = 20,560.

Thus, the number of male students who attended the orientation was 20,560.