Josh has 15 sports cards. He has 3 more baseball cards than basketball cards. How many baseball cards does he have?

Let x = the number of baseball cards.

x + x - 3 = 15
2x = 18
x = 9

34-2y=8 what is the value and look at the equation in the box

To find out how many baseball cards Josh has, we'll need to break down the information given. We know that he has a total of 15 sports cards. Let's assume he has x basketball cards.

According to the given information, Josh has 3 more baseball cards than basketball cards. So, the number of baseball cards can be represented as x + 3.

Since we know that the total number of sports cards is 15, we can create an equation:

x (the number of basketball cards) + (x + 3) (the number of baseball cards) = 15

Now, let's solve this equation to find the value of x and, consequently, the number of baseball cards Josh has.

x + x + 3 = 15
2x + 3 = 15
2x = 12
x = 6

Therefore, Josh has 6 basketball cards (x = 6). To find the number of baseball cards, we can substitute this value back into x + 3:

6 + 3 = 9

Josh has 9 baseball cards.