5. What is the conversion factor that you would want to use to convert 2.0 moles of NaCl into grams?

To convert moles of a substance into grams, you need to use its molar mass as the conversion factor. The molar mass of a compound is the mass of one mole of that compound.

In this case, you want to convert 2.0 moles of NaCl into grams.

To do this, you'll need to know the molar mass of NaCl. The molar mass of an element is found on the periodic table, which lists the atomic masses of each element. Sodium (Na) has an atomic mass of approximately 22.99 grams per mole, and chlorine (Cl) has an atomic mass of approximately 35.45 grams per mole.

Since there is one sodium atom and one chlorine atom in each molecule of NaCl, you can add together the atomic masses of sodium and chlorine to get the molar mass of NaCl.

Molar mass of NaCl = atomic mass of Na + atomic mass of Cl
= 22.99 g/mol + 35.45 g/mol
= 58.44 g/mol

Therefore, the conversion factor to convert moles of NaCl into grams is 58.44 grams of NaCl per mole of NaCl.

Using this conversion factor, you can now calculate the number of grams of NaCl in 2.0 moles:

2.0 moles NaCl x 58.44 grams NaCl/mol = 116.88 grams NaCl

So, to convert 2.0 moles of NaCl into grams, you would use the conversion factor of 58.44 grams per mole. The result would be 116.88 grams of NaCl.