how many iron atoms are in 0.550 mol of Fe2O3?

Number of atoms in0.550 moles of Fe

To determine the number of iron atoms in 0.550 mol of Fe2O3, we need to use Avogadro's number and the molar ratio between the compound Fe2O3 and the number of iron atoms.

1. Begin with the given number of moles of Fe2O3: 0.550 mol.

2. Identify the molar ratio of iron atoms (Fe) to Fe2O3. From the chemical formula Fe2O3, we can see that there are 2 iron atoms per Fe2O3 molecule.

3. Multiply the moles of Fe2O3 by the molar ratio of iron atoms to Fe2O3:
0.550 mol Fe2O3 × (2 moles of Fe / 1 mole of Fe2O3) = 1.10 mol of Fe.

4. Now, use Avogadro's number to find the number of iron atoms in 1.10 mol of Fe:
1.10 mol Fe × (6.022 × 10^23 atoms/mol) = 6.623 × 10^23 iron atoms.

Therefore, there are approximately 6.623 × 10^23 iron atoms in 0.550 mol of Fe2O3.

To determine how many iron atoms are in 0.550 mol of Fe2O3, we need to use Avogadro's number and the molar ratio of iron in Fe2O3. Here's a step-by-step explanation of how to calculate it:

1. Determine the molar mass of Fe2O3:
- The molar mass of Fe (iron) is 55.845 g/mol.
- The molar mass of O (oxygen) is 15.999 g/mol.
- Since Fe2O3 has two iron atoms and three oxygen atoms, the molar mass of Fe2O3 is calculated as: (2 x 55.845 g/mol) + (3 x 15.999 g/mol) = 159.69 g/mol.

2. Use Avogadro's number to convert from moles to atoms:
- Avogadro's number is 6.022 x 10^23 atoms/mol.
- Multiply the number of moles by Avogadro's number to get the number of atoms.
- In this case, 0.550 mol x (6.022 x 10^23 atoms/mol) = 3.32 x 10^23 atoms.

3. Consider the molar ratio of iron atoms in Fe2O3:
- In one formula unit of Fe2O3, there are 2 iron atoms.
- Multiply the number of iron atoms per formula unit (2) by the number of formula units in 0.550 mol of Fe2O3 to get the total number of iron atoms.
- The result is: 2 iron atoms x 0.550 mol = 1.10 mol of iron atoms.

Therefore, there are approximately 1.10 mol of iron atoms in 0.550 mol of Fe2O3, which is equivalent to 3.32 x 10^23 atoms.

2*.550*avagradro's number