1.What does the liquid flows?

2.What are the characteristic of liquid?


To answer these questions, we first need to understand the properties and characteristics of liquids. Liquids are one of the three states of matter, alongside solids and gases. They have several distinguishing features:

1. Flow: Liquids can flow and take the shape of their container. Unlike solids, which hold their shape, liquids are able to move and change their volume.

2. Density: Liquids have a relatively high density compared to gases, but lower density than solids. This means that liquids are generally less compressible than gases, as their particles are closer together.

3. Surface Tension: Liquids exhibit surface tension, which is a property that allows liquids to minimize their surface area. This is why liquid droplets tend to form spherical shapes and can stick together.

4. Viscosity: Viscosity refers to a liquid's resistance to flow. Some liquids, like water, have low viscosity and flow easily, while others, like honey, have high viscosity and flow more slowly.

Now, as for the question "What does the liquid flow?", we can say that liquids flow due to the weak forces between their particles. These forces allow the particles to move past each other, enabling the liquid to take the shape of its container. In other words, the ability of liquids to flow is a result of their molecular structure and the intermolecular forces at play.

If you were looking for specific examples of liquids that flow, it would be helpful to narrow down the context or specify a particular liquid of interest.