What does Economic Equity mean?

I tried to come up with a simple definition for me to understand below.

Economy in which the sharing of resources or goods among the people is considered fair.

Is that it?

That's a good start! Economic equity refers to a state of fairness and equality in the distribution of economic resources, opportunities, and benefits among individuals and groups within a society. It aims to ensure that everyone has equal access to resources, such as income, education, healthcare, and job opportunities, regardless of their background or circumstances.

To develop a deeper understanding, you can break down the concept into a few components. First, economic equity involves fairness in the distribution of resources. This means that resources are allocated in a way that is considered just and equitable, taking into account factors such as individual needs, contributions, and abilities.

Second, economic equity emphasizes equal opportunities for all individuals to access resources and participate in economic activities. It strives to remove barriers and systemic disadvantages that may hinder certain groups from fully participating in the economy.

Lastly, economic equity seeks to address disparities in wealth and income distribution. It aims to bridge the gap between the rich and the poor, and reduce socioeconomic inequalities that may exist within a society.

By promoting economic equity, societies can strive for a more just and inclusive economy, where everyone has a fair chance to succeed and thrive.

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