Find te Yield of Carbon Dioxide in an Alkaseltzer Reaction.

HCH3COO (Acetic Acid)+ NaHCO3 (Sodium Bicarbonate) -> NaCH3COO+ H20 (water)+ CO2 (Carbon Dioxide)

So i know to find the Yield its Actual Yield / Theoretical Yield.

How do i find the Theoretical Yield and Actual Yield by using the equation PV=nRT or stoichiometry??

Stoichiometry will give you the theoretical yield. PV = nRT is only useful for gases. Here is a link for solving stoichiometry problems if you need it.

To find the theoretical yield and actual yield of carbon dioxide in the Alkaseltzer reaction, you can use stoichiometry.

Here's how to do it step by step:

Step 1: Identify the balanced equation for the reaction:
HCH3COO (Acetic Acid) + NaHCO3 (Sodium Bicarbonate) -> NaCH3COO + H2O + CO2

Step 2: Determine the molar ratio between acetic acid and carbon dioxide:
From the balanced equation, you can see that 1 mole of acetic acid reacts with 1 mole of carbon dioxide.

Step 3: Determine the number of moles of acetic acid:
You need the initial amount or concentration of acetic acid and the volume of the solution to calculate the number of moles.

Step 4: Calculate the number of moles of carbon dioxide using the molar ratio:
Multiply the number of moles of acetic acid by the molar ratio between acetic acid and carbon dioxide.

Step 5: Determine the molar mass of carbon dioxide:
You can find the molar mass of carbon dioxide by adding the atomic masses of carbon and oxygen (12.01 g/mol + 2 * 16.00 g/mol = 44.01 g/mol).

Step 6: Use the molar mass of CO2 to convert moles to grams:
Multiply the number of moles of carbon dioxide by the molar mass of carbon dioxide to get the theoretical yield of CO2 in grams.

Step 7: Measure the actual yield of carbon dioxide:
Perform the reaction and collect the carbon dioxide gas. Measure the mass or volume of the collected gas.

Step 8: Calculate the actual yield of carbon dioxide:
Convert the measured mass or volume of carbon dioxide to moles and then grams.

Step 9: Calculate the yield:
Divide the actual yield of carbon dioxide (in grams) by the theoretical yield of carbon dioxide (in grams) and multiply by 100 to calculate the yield as a percentage.

Remember to use appropriate units and accurately measure the quantities involved in the reaction to get reliable results for the yield calculation.

To find the theoretical yield of carbon dioxide in the Alkaseltzer reaction, you need to use stoichiometry. Here's how you can calculate it:

1. Start with the balanced chemical equation: HCH3COO + NaHCO3 → NaCH3COO + H2O + CO2. Based on the equation, you can determine the stoichiometric ratio between the reactants and products. In this case, the ratio is 1:1 between NaHCO3 and CO2. So for every 1 mole of NaHCO3, you can expect 1 mole of CO2.

2. Next, determine the amount of NaHCO3 used in the reaction. Let's say you used 0.1 moles of NaHCO3.

3. Since the stoichiometric ratio is 1:1, the theoretical yield of CO2 will also be 0.1 moles.

So, the theoretical yield of carbon dioxide in this reaction is 0.1 moles.

To find the actual yield of carbon dioxide, you need to perform the experiment and measure the amount of CO2 produced. Here's how you can calculate it:

1. Set up your experimental apparatus to capture the CO2 gas produced during the reaction.

2. Conduct the reaction and collect the CO2 gas. Make sure to record the volume of CO2 you collect.

3. Convert the volume of CO2 collected into moles using the ideal gas law equation: PV = nRT.

- P represents the pressure of the gas, which should be known.
- V is the volume of CO2 gas collected.
- n is the number of moles of CO2.
- R is the ideal gas constant (0.0821 L·atm/mol·K).
- T is the absolute temperature in Kelvin.

Rearrange the equation to solve for n: n = (PV) / (RT).

4. Once you have the number of moles of CO2, you have found the actual yield.

So, to calculate the actual yield of CO2, you need to set up an experiment to collect the gas, measure its volume, and use the ideal gas law to convert the volume into moles.