2. Rachel's parents enrolled her in your after-school program in September. In October, Rachel and another girl named Callye started planning a holiday play for December. They worked on the plan everyday. Soon they became inseparable. In December, parents were invited to watch the play scripted by "best friends" Rachel and Callye.

Based on the information in the above paragraph, Rachel and Callye are most likely _______ years old.

A. 5
B. 6
C. 11
D. 8

i think its C

I agree.

To determine the likely age of Rachel and Callye, we need to analyze the information provided in the paragraph. It mentions that Rachel's parents enrolled her in an after-school program in September. This implies that Rachel is old enough to attend an after-school program, which typically starts at a certain age, such as kindergarten or first grade.

Additionally, it states that Rachel and Callye worked on planning the holiday play together every day. This indicates that they are in the same class or grade level, as they have the opportunity to spend a significant amount of time together every day.

Finally, the paragraph suggests that the parents were invited to watch the play in December. Holiday plays are often organized by schools, and they usually involve students from a specific grade level or age group.

Considering these points, we can infer that Rachel and Callye are most likely in the same class, and therefore, they are likely to be of the same age. Based on the given answer choices, the most reasonable age for Rachel and Callye would be either 5 (option A) or 6 (option B).

Therefore, I would recommend selecting either option A or B as the likely answer.