Name two other factors besides latitude that influence japans climate?

and what major ocean currents affect japan

The ocean and altitude also affect Japan's climate.

but what about the ocean currents?

Two ocean currents are described in the Wikipedia article.

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Two other factors besides latitude that influence Japan's climate are:

1. Topography: Japan's terrain consists of mountains, plateaus, and valleys, which greatly impact its climate. The mountain ranges act as a barrier to the prevailing westerly winds coming from the Asian continent, causing the wind patterns to change and affecting rainfall patterns. The high mountains also lead to regional variations in climate, with the western coast experiencing more rainfall than the eastern coast.

2. Surrounding bodies of water: Japan is surrounded by water on all sides, which has a significant influence on its climate. The Sea of Japan to the west and the Pacific Ocean to the east play crucial roles in modulating temperatures and bringing moisture. These bodies of water help in moderating extreme temperature variations, create seasonal sea breezes, and result in abundant precipitation due to moisture-laden air masses interacting with the land.

Regarding the major ocean currents that affect Japan, there are two primary currents:

1. Kuroshio Current: Also known as the Japan Current, it is a warm oceanic current that flows northward along the eastern coast of Japan, originating from the subtropical western Pacific. This current brings warm waters and influences Japan's coastal temperatures, making them milder in winters and hotter in summers. It also carries various marine organisms, which contribute to the diversity of marine life in Japan.

2. Oyashio Current: Also called the Okhotsk Sea Current, it is a cold subarctic current that flows southward along the northeastern coast of Japan. This current forms due to the interaction between the cold waters of the Okhotsk Sea and the warm waters of the Kuroshio Current. The Oyashio Current brings cold waters, causing the northeastern regions of Japan to have colder and snowier winters compared to other parts of the country.

These major ocean currents significantly influence Japan's climate, affecting the surrounding temperatures, precipitation patterns, and marine ecosystems.