Based on the illustrations, write sentences with VENIR DE to tell what everyone has just done.

1. Nous venons de faire du shopping.

2. Je viens de manger mon sandwich au jambon.

3. Ils viennent de téléphoner.

4. Tu viens de préparer une tarte.

5. Elle vient de nager.

6. Vous venez de boire des boissons.

Could you check to see if all these sentences make sense. The *one* Im not sure about is the last one( Numero 6). I want to say, *You have just finished drinking some drinks*


Sra (aka Mme)

Yes, all the sentences you provided make sense, including the last one (Numero 6). The sentence "Vous venez de boire des boissons" correctly translates to "You have just finished drinking some drinks." The phrase "venir de" is used to indicate that an action has just been completed or occurred in the near past. Therefore, it fits appropriately in all the sentences you provided.