There are 30 students in a math class. 12 belongs to the computer club and 8 belongs to the photograph club. three belongs to both. how many belongs to neither???

The answer is 7 12+8+3= 23 so 30-23 is 7

At least this sounds right to me! Hope this works out for you.


To find out how many students belong to neither the computer club nor the photography club, we need to subtract the number of students who belong to at least one of the two clubs from the total number of students.

Step 1: Add the number of students in the computer club and the number of students in the photography club: 12 + 8 = 20

Step 2: Subtract the number of students who belong to both clubs, as they would be counted twice in step 1: 20 - 3 = 17

Therefore, there are 17 students who belong to neither the computer club nor the photography club.

To find out how many students belong to neither the computer club nor the photography club, we can use the principle of inclusion-exclusion.

Step 1: Find the total number of students who belong to either the computer club or the photography club:
- The number of students in the computer club is 12.
- The number of students in the photography club is 8.
- However, we can't simply add these two numbers together to get the total, because there are 3 students who belong to both clubs. So, we subtract this overlap: 12 + 8 - 3 = 17.

Step 2: Subtract the total from the number of students in the class to find the number of students who belong to neither club:
- The number of students in the class is 30.
- Subtracting the total from step 1 (17) from the total number of students in the class (30), we get: 30 - 17 = 13.

Therefore, there are 13 students who belong to neither the computer club nor the photography club.