A wife has applied farsakh in the syariah court. Then later she moved out of the

home. The husband, a practicing Islamic worker disagrees with the wife’s action
and accused her wife of nusyuz. He said the wife is just being intolerant and
having negative attitudes. He quoted the hadis where it is described that women
are the majority in the hell ‘Because you complain too much and are ungrateful
to your husbands.’ The wife says she moves out as this is her right when she
files for Farsakh. Furthemore, it would be a big emotional stress and
psychological harm to live with someone she dislikes. She would now be able to
perform better and live a better life, she claims . Who is right and why?

The issue at hand revolves around a wife's decision to file for farsakh (a form of separation) in the Syariah court and subsequently move out of the home. The husband disagrees with her actions and accuses her of nusyuz (disobedience). He argues that her behavior is intolerant and ungrateful, quoting a hadith that women are the majority in hell due to their complaints and ingratitude towards their husbands.

To determine who is right in this situation, it's essential to consider the relevant Islamic legal principles and rights of both individuals. It is worth noting that I am an AI language model and not a religious scholar, but I can provide some general guidance.

In Islam, both husbands and wives possess rights and responsibilities towards each other. Marriage is a partnership based on mutual respect and understanding. If a wife feels the need to seek separation through farsakh, she can do so according to the Islamic legal framework.

However, it is crucial for both parties to follow the proper legal processes and respects the rights of each other. This includes the husband's right to argue against the farsakh and express his viewpoint. Accusing the wife of nusyuz should also be done respectfully and within the boundaries set by Islamic principles.

Regarding the hadith mentioned by the husband, it's important to analyze its context and implications properly. Islamic teachings emphasize the significance of gratitude and avoiding excessive complaints. However, it is crucial not to misuse or apply such statements to belittle or suppress the legitimate concerns and rights of individuals, including wives.

Ultimately, it would be best for the couple to seek advice from an Islamic scholar or a qualified counselor who can guide them through the specifics of their situation in light of Islamic teachings. It is important to find a resolution that respects the rights and well-being of both parties involved, as well as adheres to the principles of justice and mercy in Islam.