A good technique to prevent children from talking to you while you're observing is to

A. sit far away.
B. avoid eye contact.
C. stand to one side.
D. tell them to go away.

i just took the test that answer is correct!!

The correct technique to prevent children from talking to you while you're observing is B. avoid eye contact.

The correct answer is B. avoid eye contact.

When you are observing something and you don't want children to talk to you, it's important to give them cues that you are not available for conversation. One effective technique is to avoid making eye contact with the children.

Here's why: Eye contact can often be seen as an invitation for interaction or conversation. By intentionally avoiding eye contact, you send a non-verbal signal that you are focused and engaged in what you are observing, and not open for conversation at the moment.

Other options such as sitting far away or standing to one side may not necessarily discourage children from approaching or talking to you if they see you as accessible and available. Telling them to go away may be perceived as rude or unkind, so it is generally not an advisable method to prevent children from talking to you while you're observing.