can someone help me write questions or sentences using the infinitive form of : 1. supporter

2. épouser
3. exiger

Just write the sentences in passe compose.

did you delete my 2 cents??!?

Bonjour, Maggie. Without knowing what level French you are in, I hesitate to suggest passé composé, l'imparfait, etc. Because you are to use an infinitive, don't forget "aller + infinitive."

#2. Marie va s'époser avec Jean le samedi prochain. = Marie is going to get married to John next Saturday.

Note that my example above is a statement, therefore "straight word order." However if you write a question, be sure to use inversion (one of 4 ways to ask a question. For example "Marie va=t=elle s'époser avec Jean le samedi prochain?" = Is Mary going to marry John next Saturday.

Why don't you try your own sentences and repost for proofreading? Of course you could use a main verb, such as pouvoir, devoir + the infinitive.


Yes. Since you didn't know the meanings of these verbs, it's obvious you don't know enough French to help this student.

Of course! Here are some sample questions and sentences using the infinitive form of the verbs you mentioned:

1. supporter (to support):
- Can you explain why it's important to support local businesses?
- How can we encourage more people to support charitable organizations?
- What are some effective ways to support someone going through a difficult time?

2. épouser (to marry):
- What are the key factors to consider before deciding to marry someone?
- Can you share any tips for maintaining a healthy marriage?
- How has the concept of marriage evolved over the years?

3. exiger (to demand):
- What are some common situations where it is appropriate to demand a refund?
- How can we find a balance between assertively demanding our rights and being respectful to others?
- Can you give an example of a time when you had to demand better customer service?

Remember, when forming questions or sentences with infinitive verbs, you simply need to place the verb in its base form (without any additional endings or conjugations).